
Blog Directory
├── STM32F4 Peripheral Drivers
│   ├── CRC Calculation Unit (CRC)
│   ├── Direct Memory Access (DMA)
│   ├── Window Watchdog Timer (WWDG) 
[Coming Soon]
│   ├── Independent Watchdog Timer (IWDG)
│   ├── Real-Time Clock (RTC)
│   └── Secure Digital I/O Interface (SDIO)
 [Coming Soon]
├── STM32L4+ Peripheral Drivers
│   ├── Clock Tree for STM32L4Rxxx and STM32L4S5xxx
│   ├── AES Hardware Accelerator (AES)
│   ├── HASH Processor (HASH)
│   ├── Random Number Generator (RNG)
│   ├── Digital Camera Interface (DCMI)

│   ├── Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) 
[Coming Soon]
│   └── Controller Area Network (bxCAN) [Coming Soon]
├── Projects
│   ├── Musical Keyboard using UART on Nucleo-F401
│   ├── SignGlove for Paralyzed Patients using an ESP32
│   ├── AESecureIO: Embedded Data Encryption and Storage Tool 
│   ├── CifradoPro: Baremetal Hardware Security Module on STM32L4

│   └── Digital Camera with Playback using OV7670 Camera 
[Coming Soon]
├── Buildroot
│   ├── Custom Image Generation for RPi4 using Buildroot
│   ├── Cross-Compiling executables for RPi4 on x86_64
│   └── Minimal Wi-Fi Router using RPi4 [Coming Soon]
└── Hardware Tinkering
    ├── Tearing Down the MicroHub/8 TP1008C 8-port Ethernet Repeater
    └── Extracting Wi-Fi Router firmware from SPI Flash  [Coming Soon]

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