
1. SignGlove for Paralyzed Patients

SignGlove is an innovative wearable glove designed to bridge the communication gap for paralyzed patients, enabling them to express their wants and needs through hand signals. It enables caretakers to understand and respond to the needs of individuals with limited mobility. 

2. Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Datalogger on an STM32F4

Datalogger that logs Barometric Pressure, Temperature and Ambient Light Intensity using an STM32F401RET6 Nucleo-64 Development Board that stores the collected data on an external EEPROM

3. Musical Keyboard on an STM32 Nucleo-64 Development Board

Configure the STM32F401 Nucleo-64 Development Board to work as a UART Receiver and emulate a Musical Keyboard by using our own libraries and drivers.

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