SignGlove: Bridging the Communication Gap for Paralyzed Patients
SignGlove What is SignGlove ??? SignGlove is an innovative wearable glove designed to bridge the communication gap for paralyzed patients, enabling them to express their wants and needs through hand signals. It enables caretakers to understand and respond to the needs of individuals with limited mobility. Over a Wi-Fi network, SignGlove allows users to transmit their hand signals directly to a caregiver's device. One of the key features of SignGlove is its configurability, which allows it to adapt to each user's unique abilities and hand gestures. By customizing the device to match the specific range of motions and signals that a user can comfortably make, SignGlove ensures a highly personalized and tailored communication experience. With SignGlove, paralyzed patients no longer rely solely on non-verbal cues or guesswork to convey their needs. The SignGlove concept ...... The concept of SignGlove was inspired by the work of Navid Azodi and Thomas Pryor from...